Tuesday 17 January 2012

Energy price changes 2012

012 Gas Prices and Electricity Prices Update HistoryEnergy prices have been updated to 17 January 2012.
Price updates are shown below as and when they arise.Make sure you compare prices using our online energy comparison site to switch to the cheapest supplier.http://www.getmechrapbills.com

Supplier & DateDescription
17 January 2012
E.ON has announced the relaunch of E.ON Track and Save 11. This tariff was taken off the market on 12 January and is today relaunching with the same features but revised tariff rates.

16 January 2012
E.ON has announced a reduction of 6% on their standard electricity prices. The decrease, which equates to £31 off the average annual bill, will take effect from Monday 27th February 2012. E.ON claim that 75% of its customers will benefit and that customers on fixed deals will be able to change to another E.ON tariff for free if they wish.Note: The new prices are not yet available and will be updated when received.

13 January 2012
npower have announced a price decrease effective Wednesday 1 February 2012 of 5% on their standard, capped and prepayment gas tariffs. There are no changes to their electricity prices.Note: The new prices are not yet available and will be updated when received.

13 January 2012
Scottish Power have launched a new tariff, Online Fixed Price Energy May 2013, offering fixed prices until 30 April 2013. This is a monthly direct debit, online only tariff

13 January 2012
EDF Energy have launched a new tariff, EDF Fix to March 2013. Offering fixed prices to 31 March 2013, this tariff is available to dual fuel customers and electricity only customers. Paper billing is optional.

12 January 2012
first:utility have launched a new tariff, first:utility iSave Fixed Price V1 March 2013. This tariff offers fixed prices until 31 March 2013 but only available to dual fuel monthly direct debit customers.

12 January 2012
E.ON have removed EON Track and Save 11 from all sales channels today until further notice.12 January 2012SSE Gas Price Reduction.SSE has announced a 4.5% reduction in household gas unit prices effective from 26th March 2012.SSE have also extended the cap on any new price increases until October 2012 but decreases will be made where possible.SSE have withdrawn Price Fix 7.Note: These price updates are not yet included in the results tables. The price reduction will take place on 26th March 2012 and new prices will be updated when issued around in February 2012.

12 January 2012
British Gas Price Cut.British Gas has today cut standard electricity prices by an average 5% based on average consumption. The cut takes effect immediately.Note: The new prices are updated on the UKPower price comparison site.11 January 2012EDF Energy have announced household gas price cuts of 5% effective 7th February 2012.Note: The new prices are not yet available and will be updated when received.

06 January 2012
OVO Energy have launched new, reduced prices by approximately 5%. This is the first supplier to reduce prices and further price cuts are expected from other suppliers. Updated 6th Jan 2012.These prices are updated and included in the results tables.

05 January 2012
E.ON have launched a new tariff, E.ON Fixed Price Saver April 2013. This tariff offers fixed prices until 1 April 2013 at rates 5% lower than E.ON's Standard tariff.