Thursday 27 January 2011

Utility Warehouse Raise Electricity Prices

Utility Warehouse have today announced a price increase for all of their electricity products - with a start date of February 1st. That is only 5 days away!!!!

Electricity: prices will increase by an average of 2.5% on their General Domestic tariff, and 4.5% on their Economy 7 tariff.

The £20 rebate for Low User electricity customers in supply regions 14, 15 or 23 has been discontinued, although payments will be made in April 2011 to all qualifying customers.

Whilst a price increase was inevitable as they are following the rest of the market, and Npower, with whom they have a business relationship, it is disappointing that again they have given a minimum of notice. Most customers will not be aware of the fact until after the increase has taken place!

Any customer who objects to the price rise should inform Utility Warehouse that they do not accept the rise and providing they make arrangements to switch suppliers, all energy will be charged at the old rate until the switch is completed.

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