Thursday 28 October 2010

First Utility - Smart as Standard Smart meter tariff

first:utility have today launched "Smart as Standard V1" which is a dual fuel energy supply tariff with Smart Meters.

This will enable accurate billing and visibility of energy use on line through the first utility web site and Google power meter. Customers that successfully sign up to Smart as Standard dual fuel tariff will have their energy supplied by first:utility within the typical transfer window. These customers will be billed using the estimated annual consumption (EAC) given to us by their old supplier when they transfer, unless they supply meter reads. Each customer will have the ability to submit monthly meter reads via the customer portal. They will be prompted to do so by email. These reads will then be used to bill the customer accurately until the smart meters are installed.

Energylinx launched this new tariff across its network earlier today and has already seen a considerable interest in the tariff. Even though not the most competitive in the market it does appear to be gaining some immediate momementum. From a billing and payment perspective customers must pay by monthly direct debit and decide whether they wany online, or paper billing (paper billing option charged at £5 per month).

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