Monday 4 October 2010

New EDF Fixed Tariff Available.

EDF Energy have today launched Annual Fix v4.

This is a fixed price tariffs where tariff prices are fixed until the end of September 2011. Although early termination fees are payable to the value of £25 per fuel should customers join the tariff and subsequently move to another supplier or tariff it does have the benefit where these fees are not paid if the customer moves house, as would happen with some suppliers with early termination fees. E.ON Energy for example will maintain the charge even where a customer moves home.

EDF Energy offer this tariff as both a dual fuel and single fuel electricity tariff where customers can pay by either quarterly cash/cheque or monthly direct debit. At the end of September 2011 customers will be offered another tariff by EDF Energy, most likely in the same way that current customers of Annual Fix v4 (who signed up when it was first launched in 2009) are being automatically moved onto this new version. As to whether this is good for the customer will depend very much on the customer's personal circumstances. The key message is check to see what is available at the time. Just because a tariff was a great deal a year ago does not automatically mean that its as good today.

Customers should check their own personal needs at

The big question at the moment on everyone's mind is whether it is worth fixing or capping energy prices. With definite increases in wholesale energy on their way and with suppliers coming to the end of the summer season the one thing that is certain is that between now and Christmas we are going to see some increases across the market.

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