Friday 29 October 2010

Who is Next?

Hot on the heels of first:utility's price change yesterday we have seen SSE Group announce price increases across its entire range of non fixed gas prices taking effect on the 1st November 2010.

Followed less than 2 hours later with a notification of a price change by LoCo2. We wonder who is next.....?

Earlier this year Energylinx reported how at the time of the supposed decreases in energy prices in March that there appeared to be a large take-up in what appeared to be a move to reflect european pricing models. This meant that whilst headline figures appeared to suggest price reductions in fact the consumer would be paying substantially more during the summer period. Energylinx warned that this would create a need to increase energy prices by around 10% by the end of the year. It would appear that this may be the start.

Over the next couple of weeks we could see some radical changes in the market. Customers must start looking now and ensure that they do indeed have a competitive rate from their energy supplier. If not, the message is clear - switch now.

There are some really good offers available at the moment, ranging from cashbacks, welcome offers and some long term fixed deals. It might well be time to take one of these offers before they are gone.

Customers can compare ALL of the suppliers and deals currently available by checking

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